Eric Gehrig

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What a last few days...

First, wanted to apologize for my absence and lack of blogging.  Like I said, crazy but great last few days.  The Columbus Crew officially offered me a contract on Tuesday Feb 13th, in which I signed yesterday.  Didn't think Valentines Day would turn out so good! ha But yes it's awesome man, I am super pumped.  It has been a long time coming, with my experience last year with Kansas City, back to school and graduation...and then a LOT of hard work and training.  Between the weightroom, running, and lots of training this all paid off.  BIG TIME.  Been dreaming of being a pro soccer player since I was very young, looking forward to the challenges and experiences ahead.  Gonna continue to work my butt off, can't get complacent whatsoever.

Gotta thank many people, including my family.  Mom and Dad been more than there for me every step of the way.  It is ridiculous, I love you two very much.  Never could explain how much.  My brother Greg, who could be a pro too, seriously...we been training and battling together since we were 6 on the orange cobras.  You're the man.  My coaches over the years, including my Dad, back in the day...Coach Rainwater at LC, what memories we have from the four years...jealous you got your ring! but well deserved! and lastly the staff at Loyola.  Coach Brendan Eitz, Tim Mcbride, and Gino guys all have done much for my career and once again, unforgettable memories up at Loyola...Records!  My teammates, been plenty of em but you all have been a joy to play with too! Nothing better than going to battle with your brothas!  And my boys, you know who you are, wouldnt trade you guys for the brothers to me!  The list can go on and on but thats all I got for now...

We got one day left of training tomorrow, and then a game against Houston on Thursday.  I will be flying home following the game to get my stuff and see my family before moving to Columbus, driving back Saturday!  I will figure out my number and all that back in Columbus.  Hope to see some Gehrig jerseys out there soon!  Thanks again for checking in, I am unbelievably thankful for all of the support I have received.  It really means so much.  I will be back soon! MUCH LOVE!


Shoutout to EVERYONE who helped me get to where I am today!